Thursday, July 7, 2011

7 July / San Fermín and some comments on today's discussion

Hi everybody! Today is San Fermin's Day. Let's sing together... A San fermín venimos... lalalala.

Jokes apart, I'm writing these lines only to say what I think about today's lessons at R.U. The activity we've done with the bubbles hasn't make sense for me. Most of us have been talking and not paying too much attention. On the contrary, I've found much more interesting the debate afterwards. We have exchanged opinions, which is always good.

To conclude, I would like to share with you the suggestions that I've written on the Post-It pannels that have been stuck on the wall:

- I would like to have discussions like this, but in smaller groups so that everybody has the opportunity to participate.

- We should work on classroom & scientific vocabulary.

- I would like that our lessons were focused on a bilingual teaching context, where neither the teacher nor the student's have English as a mother language.

I'm looking forward to read your comments tomorrow. Good night!

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