Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 2-4 / Fourth of July weekend

Hi everybody! Back at Roosevelt Univ. after a loooooooooong weekend.

I've done a lot of things these days although I've also rested. Friday afternoon, after the Center for Green Technology, I went to the Shedd Aquarium with several other teachers and then we went for some beers to Clarke street. On saturday my host gave me a ride around Evanston, the suburb where I live. She sowed me the most important beaches in the area, and we also visited the Baha'i Temple in Northern Evanston. In the evening some of us went to the Green Mill Jazz Club because we wanted to listen to jazz music, but I finally didn't enter because there was a very big queue, and went for a beer to Addison. On Sunday I went to the beach in the morning and to a BBQ in the evening.

BBQ on July 3rd

But the most remarkable event of this weekend was also  the America's Independence Celebration. In the morning I went to Evanston's Parade, that I found very interesting. In the evening I could see the fireworks from a 18 floors height balcony at Alejandro's host's flat. His host was so nice to invite all us and our hosts to a big BBQ on the 4th of July evening. I found no words to thank him for all the shopping, the cooking and the cleaning.

Fourth of July - Evanston's Parade in Central St.

Finally, I would like to say that I've practised more English this weekend than I've done during all week days before, as I've been interacting with "real" people in everyday situations.

I stop writing now, because we must start preparing our baseball research.


1 comment:

  1. Qué morro, de barbacoa... Practicando un poquito de inglés ya de paso.
    Yo estoy contando los días para irme por fian a Faro a desconectar un poco de este lugar decadente que es Guada en verano...
